Tabular Station Data

Dave's Weather Station, Winona Lake, Indiana, Current Weather Conditions.
Current Conditions Almanac
Last Updated: 9:02pm on 10/21/24
Outside Temperature: 60.0 °F
Today's High: 77.5 °F at 2:52pm
Lo: 46.6 °F at 8:12am
Barometric Trend: 0.002
Station Latitude: 41.2200012  Longitude: -85.8218002
Sunrise : 8:05am  Sunset: 6:55pm
Moonrise:   9:54pm   Moonset: 1:20pm
Moon Day: 20 days old    Moon Phase: 81%
Parameter Value High Time Low Time Average Rate Rate Hi Time Rate Lo Time
Wind Direction SSW 355 1:13pm 1 11:27am 211 -0.5 99.6 1:13pm -287.8 11:00am
Wind Speed 0 mph 7 2:24pm 0 12:00am 0 -0.0 6.1 2:24pm -1.1 1:37pm
Gust 0 mph 7 2:24pm 0 12:00am 0 -0.1 4.2 2:24pm -4.0 4:00pm
In Humidity 49 % 49 4:51pm 46 12:05am 49 0.0 1.2 12:03pm -1.0 7:38am
Out Humidity 63% 68 1:32am 8 8:30am 61 2.3 26.1 10:25am -16.4 5:51am
In Temp 79.8°F 79.9 8:50pm 77.8 8:52am 79.7 0.12 0.57 12:06am -0.38 12:30am
Out Temp 60.0°F 77.5 2:52pm 46.6 8:12am 62.9 -2.91 7.71 11:10am -5.73 7:11pm
Barometer 29.29in 29.39 9:22am 29.28 6:18pm 29.28 0.002 0.012 7:14am -0.026 2:31pm
Rain 33.90in 33.90 12:00am 33.90 12:00am 33.90 0.000 0.000 12:00am 0.000 7:56pm
Wind Chill 60.0°F 77.5 2:52pm 46.6 8:12am 62.9 -2.91 7.71 11:10am -5.73 7:11pm
In Heat Index 80.5°F 80.6 8:50pm 78.2 8:52am 80.4 0.12 0.48 12:06am -0.37 12:30am
Heat Index 62.1°F 77.7 2:53pm 44.8 8:24am 64.8 -2.68 9.42 10:37am -4.94 7:13pm
Dew Point 47.4°F 54.4 3:01pm -11.4 8:30am 49.0 -1.60 24.92 10:25am -19.68 8:30am
Barom Sea-level 30.17 in 30.28 9:22am 30.16 6:18pm 30.17 0.002 0.013 7:14am -0.027 2:31pm
Parameter Month High Date Month Low Date Year High Date Year Low Date Yesterday High Yesterday Low 24 Hour Difference
Wind Direction 360 10/3/24 1 10/3/24 360 1/1/24 0 5/5/24 360 1 -91
Wind Speed 23 10/13/24 0 10/1/24 43 8/30/24 0 1/1/24 7 0 0
Gust 23 10/13/24 0 10/1/24 43 8/30/24 0 1/1/24 7 0 0
In Humidity 65 10/1/24 43 10/6/24 65 6/20/24 28 1/15/24 47 44 2
Out Humidity 69 10/7/24 0 10/1/24 82 2/17/24 0 1/1/24 66 1 -2
In Temp 81.4 10/6/24 77.5 10/2/24 83.1 5/21/24 72.9 3/24/24 79.7 78.3 0.1
Out Temp 78.4 10/11/24 31.4 10/17/24 97.6 6/19/24 -7.8 1/15/24 72.9 41.0 1.8
Barometer 29.64 10/19/24 28.83 10/13/24 29.82 1/21/24 28.08 1/9/24 29.50 29.34 -0.07
Rain 33.90 10/15/24 33.84 10/1/24 33.90 10/15/24 0.00 1/1/24 33.90 33.90 0.00
Wind Chill 78.4 10/11/24 31.4 10/17/24 97.6 6/19/24 -28.7 1/14/24 72.9 41.0 1.8
In Heat Index 83.4 10/1/24 77.7 10/17/24 86.1 5/21/24 72.2 3/24/24 80.2 78.6 0.3
Heat Index 78.8 10/5/24 29.2 10/17/24 116.4 6/19/24 -3.9 1/15/24 73.2 38.8 1.6
Dew Point 61.1 10/5/24 -55.3 10/18/24 80.8 7/15/24 -60.0 2/7/24 51.5 -51.9 0.9
Barom Sea-level 30.53 10/19/24 29.69 10/13/24 30.72 1/21/24 28.92 1/9/24 30.39 30.23 -0.08
Parameter and Value Parameter and Value Parameter and Value Parameter and Value Parameter and Value Parameter and Value
Press Altitude 592 ft Daily Rain 0.00 Degree Heating 6.5 Monthly Degree Day Cooling 26.0 Heat Index --- Beaufort Calm
Cloud Base 3154 ft Hourly Rain 0.00 Degree Cooling 2.7 Monthly Wind Run 462 Comfort Index Comfortable    
Density Alt 815 ft 24Hr Rain 0.00 Moon Phase 20 Yearly Deg Day Heating 3523.2 Forecast Increasing clouds with little temperature change. Precip possible within 24 to 48 hrs    
Virtual Temp 62.2 °F Rain Rate 0.000 Monthly Rain 0.06 Yearly Degree Day Cooling 1080.5 Station Barom Trend Steady    
Vapor Press 0.33 in Wind Run 5 miles Monthly Deg Day Heating 211.5 Yearly Wind Run 19311 Barometer Trend Steady    

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