Tabular Station Data

Dave's Weather Station, Winona Lake, Indiana, Current Weather Conditions.
Current Conditions Almanac
Last Updated: 4:02am on 11/4/24
Outside Temperature: 64.9 °F
Today's High: 65.4 °F at 12:54am
Lo: 64.5 °F at 12:00am
Barometric Trend: 0.002
Station Latitude: 41.2200012  Longitude: -85.8218002
Sunrise : 7:21am  Sunset: 5:36pm
Moonrise:   10:42am   Moonset: 7:17pm
Moon Day: 3 days old    Moon Phase: 4%
Parameter Value High Time Low Time Average Rate Rate Hi Time Rate Lo Time
Wind Direction WSW 328 1:08am 4 1:08am 237 4.0 161.4 1:08am -162.4 1:08am
Wind Speed 0 mph 6 12:17am 0 12:00am 0 -0.0 5.6 12:17am -0.5 12:55am
Gust 0 mph 6 12:17am 0 1:00am 0 -0.2 3.5 12:17am -3.3 1:00am
In Humidity 46 % 46 12:00am 45 1:14am 46 0.3 0.4 3:02am -1.0 1:14am
Out Humidity 55% 60 12:00am 55 1:08am 55 -0.2 -0.2 4:02am -4.2 1:08am
In Temp 78.0°F 79.0 1:20am 77.9 12:39am 78.3 -0.29 0.89 1:20am -0.40 4:01am
Out Temp 64.9°F 65.4 12:54am 64.5 12:00am 64.9 0.02 1.41 12:13am 0.02 4:02am
Barometer 29.08in 29.10 12:10am 29.07 3:13am 29.08 0.002 0.003 4:01am -0.011 3:13am
Rain 34.57in 34.57 12:00am 34.57 12:00am 34.57 0.000 0.000 12:00am 0.000 4:02am
Wind Chill 64.9°F 65.4 12:54am 64.5 12:00am 64.9 0.02 1.41 12:13am 0.02 4:02am
In Heat Index 78.4°F 79.3 1:20am 78.3 12:39am 78.7 -0.27 0.82 1:20am -0.37 4:01am
Heat Index 66.2°F 66.9 12:22am 66.0 1:08am 66.2 -0.01 1.19 12:22am -0.33 1:08am
Dew Point 48.4°F 50.5 12:22am 48.2 1:08am 48.5 -0.09 0.45 12:22am -1.82 1:08am
Barom Sea-level 29.96 in 29.98 12:10am 29.95 3:13am 29.96 0.002 0.003 4:01am -0.011 3:13am
Parameter Month High Date Month Low Date Year High Date Year Low Date Yesterday High Yesterday Low 24 Hour Difference
Wind Direction 360 11/1/24 1 11/1/24 360 1/1/24 0 5/5/24 360 1 116
Wind Speed 14 11/1/24 0 11/1/24 43 8/30/24 0 1/1/24 7 0 0
Gust 14 11/1/24 0 11/1/24 43 8/30/24 0 1/1/24 7 0 0
In Humidity 50 11/1/24 41 11/3/24 65 6/20/24 28 1/15/24 46 41 4
Out Humidity 68 11/2/24 1 11/1/24 82 2/17/24 0 1/1/24 64 42 1
In Temp 79.8 11/3/24 77.5 11/1/24 83.1 5/21/24 72.9 3/24/24 79.8 78.0 -0.8
Out Temp 65.4 11/4/24 31.2 11/2/24 97.6 6/19/24 -7.8 1/15/24 65.0 41.1 22.2
Barometer 29.54 11/2/24 29.07 11/4/24 29.82 1/21/24 28.08 1/9/24 29.44 29.09 -0.29
Rain 34.57 11/3/24 34.22 11/1/24 34.57 11/3/24 0.00 1/1/24 34.57 34.55 0.02
Wind Chill 65.4 11/4/24 31.2 11/2/24 97.6 6/19/24 -28.7 1/14/24 65.0 41.1 22.2
In Heat Index 79.8 11/3/24 77.7 11/2/24 86.1 5/21/24 72.2 3/24/24 79.8 78.4 -0.5
Heat Index 66.9 11/4/24 29.0 11/2/24 116.4 6/19/24 -3.9 1/15/24 66.3 42.4 22.3
Dew Point 50.9 11/3/24 -53.4 11/1/24 80.8 7/15/24 -60.0 2/7/24 50.9 26.2 21.1
Barom Sea-level 30.43 11/2/24 29.95 11/4/24 30.72 1/21/24 28.92 1/9/24 30.33 29.97 -0.30
Parameter and Value Parameter and Value Parameter and Value Parameter and Value Parameter and Value Parameter and Value
Press Altitude 783 ft Daily Rain 0.00 Degree Heating 0.0 Monthly Degree Day Cooling 0.0 Heat Index --- Beaufort Calm
Cloud Base 4134 ft Hourly Rain 0.00 Degree Cooling 0.0 Monthly Wind Run 88 Comfort Index Comfortable    
Density Alt 1369 ft 24Hr Rain 0.02 Moon Phase 3 Yearly Deg Day Heating 3673.2 Forecast Increasing clouds with little temperature change    
Virtual Temp 67.2 °F Rain Rate -0.010 Monthly Rain 0.35 Yearly Degree Day Cooling 1093.6 Station Barom Trend Steady    
Vapor Press 0.34 in Wind Run 1 miles Monthly Deg Day Heating 52.1 Yearly Wind Run 19570 Barometer Trend Steady    

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